Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day!!!

So, we wake up to the text message (don't you love technology) that there will be no school in our area again today (2 days in a row!) Who gets this lucky? Especially since I am a teacher and we sort of live for surprise snow days and summer vacations! Also, because living in south central KY, we get VERY LITTLE snow. No, I am not exaggerating, just ask my parents and sister who live next to Lake Erie and are under the cover of several inches of snow at the moment.

Today was a wonderful day, it actually did snow and accumulated enough for the boys to make a very muddy snowman! I love that they are old enough to do fun and creative things like this with their dad and I get to stand back and snap pictures!

I also love that I finally downloaded Photoshop and am learning how to use it... well, you know, better late than never! Anyone want to tell me how to get rid of the dirty snow in the background?

CHA is going on this week in CA and I have been inspired to scrap. So, I took some fun pics today to use with some new paper I got from CTMH. Everyone enjoy the snow, hope you have power and am going to return to my scrapping... Happy SNOW day!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Weight Watchers Mini-Album

Hey there! So great to see you! I thought we could all use a little color, a little boost, a little inspiration today... so, I was reading on the Creating Keepsakes message board and got inspired myself. I then went over to 2peas, thanks to some threads on the message board, and posted my Weight Watchers mini-album. I would love for you to visit the link http://http// and give a little 2 peas love! I am so proud of my friend Pattie who has lost a total of 64 pounds and I am still working on that last 10-thinking about buying P90X! I know, jillian from Biggest Loser inspires me as well. I also love that Cathy Z. is posting her WW adventures on her blog. Thanks for the love- have a wonderful day!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Rollerskating @ 36

So, we spent the day with the boys rollerskating. After 20 years of non-rollerskating activities, I was really looking forward to getting out there and showing the boys how it was done. Well, after 20 years, and at the ripe age of 36, the idea of rollerskating, and the actual rollerskating itself are 2 very different things indeed! After tying on a men's size 9 green plastic pair of roller skates (a far cry from the rough white or brown leather lace-up skates of the 70's) I stood up only to have a wave of pure terror crash through my entire being-belly laugh at the visual, won't you! So, because the boys were starring eagerly up at their fearless mother-yeah, I know, but they still think I can do almost anything even if we both know I can't, I tried out my sea legs. After a few wobbly and very scary turns around the shinny and very slick rink, I finally remembered how to skate (kind of like riding a bike, seriously) and got the boys out on the floor with me. We had a great time and then played a rousing game of laser tag before heading home. What fun they are, they are finally old enough to take out and terrorize with things like this! They are almost pro's. We will try again next weekend. I was amazed, however, at the amount of boys and girls who gave up after the first ten minutes (it's too hard) they complained? Where does the determination and perservenence get taught? Well, I am proud of my family today, for perservering and learning to skate... way to go boys. And, on another note, can I tell you how very much I LOVE FACEBOOK? So, if you are not a Facebook fan, check it out and look me up (Jennifer Flowers) NO NOT GENNIFER FLOWERS- I don't have a personal relationship with Bill Clinton... nor the money she received for spreading it around public-but it is a good conversation starter!!! Have a great weekend!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


This post is dedicated to my sister Erica. Thank you for the example you set in the way you live your life that makes me want to be a better, more caring person. I love you and am so blessed to have you as my sister!
Do you believe in simplifying? Do you think that life sometimes gets a little crazy? I will always be the first to admit that I usually let my life run me instead of the other way around. One thing I am glad I descovered this year was blogging. Not so much because I love for you to visit my blog (which I do) but, I have stumbled upon some of the most WONDERFUL human beings and have been inspired to be a better person at every turn. It is amazing, at freshly turned 36, I am reflecting on life and trying to make little changes to being a better human. I also have 3 little boys who are growing and changing every day and I want them to be the best possible human, compassionate, kind, loving, giving and successful at all of the things they want to do and be. Not too much to ask, eh? So, with all of that said, I was reading Ali Edwards blog today and came one of her favorite websites for all things Happiness.... I have spent that last hour printing things to share with my husband and the kids. What an amazing place the Internet is. I am so blessed to have the desire to be a better, more loving, compassionate person. Not that I am what I want to be by any stretch of the imagination, but the willingness is definitly there. I hope and pray that everyone of you has the most productive, successful, and blessed year this year!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year, new me?

So, in just 3 days I will turn 36. I knew a mid-life crisis would be in my future but didn't know it would sneak up from behind me and attack! For the last few weeks, I have been reviewing (or overanalyzing, if I were being honest) my existance and have decided I am at a turning point. Do you ever get that way? I have attained my degree, received a master's and then moved on to National certification... I then found the best outlet for my creativity, scrapbooking, and made my nest and a wonderful family. So, what is there left to do? That is what I have been pondering these last few weeks. Why do I feel discontent? Why do I feel like I should be in action? What is next?

So, I have decided to make a New Year's list, to try to calm my overanxious mind and put forth some effort to make these things happen... I have never been one for New Year's resolutions yet I feel the need to start somewhere...

1. Write a book-for years I have had characters and ideas run through my head but have never had the courage to write them down. I blame lack of time but know now that it is really fear of failure or fear of the unfinished project syndrom that plagues my life-lol!

2. Lose the last 10 pounds to meet my Weight Watchers life time goal-we started in Jan, 2008 and I have lost 45 pounds. For the last 5 months, I have yo-yoed up and down, fooling around with 3 pounds. I will commit to getting these last 10 baby fat pounds off even though my baby will be 5 in June!

3. Expose my children to more-I want my kids to be cultured, to have life experiences that will make them well-rounded and successful individuals. In a small town (we don't even have a McDonalds-and only one stoplight) this is near impossible. So I will make it my mission to get the kids to do more... starting tomorrow-we will drive an hour to go roller-skating (one of my favorite things to do when I was a kid)

4. Visit my family more often-we just got back from visiting my family in Ohio for Christmas. We had such a wonderful time. We took the boys ice skating for the first time and went to the library (0ur library is 1/3 of the size of the Children's section in this library). We spend a lot of quality time with my sister and my parents. It was a wonderful trip and good memories for my children-thanks mom, dad & riki!
So, in making this list, I will have a focus, a goal and hopefully avert the mid-life ugh that is overtaking me!!! Good luck and God bless all of you in 2009!

Just a little Shout - out to my dad! Today is his birthday! Happy birthday-new year's baby! All of our love. Here is a picture of him with the boys=Dad-you are the gummy worm wars king!